Sunday, May 10, 2009

being a mother

Being a mother has changed me in ways I never knew it would. What I didn't know 8 years ago that I know now...
1) That I wouldn't mind going without new clothes to find something for them. Sometimes I go shopping for me and can't resist something for them.
2) Having another child really does just make your heart bigger to love. I didn't have to share my love there is just more of it now.
3) I didn't know how much I would worry. I worry about the school bus ride, being made fun of, riding their bikes, eating healthy meals, learning to read and learn, and on and on.
4) I didn't know how much I would learn. Having two little girls has taught me a lot. I think having two teenage daughters will teach me a lot too.
5) I did learn to have a lot more respect for my own mother after becoming a mother. I realized how much she gave us and how hard she worked for my sister and I.
6) I didn't realize how seeing my husband as a father would change me. He is wonderful to them and patient and teaches me too.
7) I love my little gifts so much and thank God for you Paige and for you Laine. You are special and wonderfully made. Thank you for making me a Mother.

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