Friday, August 29, 2008

i'm an author

I heard about a website called Blurb from another blog as a way of printing blogs for saving like a diary. I thought it was interesting and went to the site and "WOW! This is so cool." You can make about any kind of book you want including photo books, blog books, poetry books and novels and short stories ect. I have many favorite pictures of my girls that I decided I would write a little and include many favorite photos. It was pretty easy and fun!

I completed it this last week while on vacation and it should be arriving any day now. I'll let you know how the quality of the printing is, should be interesting...
If you would like to look at it, click on the book called "black and white" on the right side of the blog. Let me know what you think.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

lake michigan

Just a view that we love every summer (sometimes more than once if we're lucky!) I remember as a kid we visited my aunt and a lighthouse in her town and thought it was so cool. My sister and I climbed to the top. Our little legs had to work so hard to make it to the top but we did. Back then they were special because I only saw them a few times during all my childhood. Now, I look at lighthouses every summer and a couple things come to mind. One, is that the lighthouse guides all those boats who need direction to make it back to shore safely. It is bright, and sturdy and a beacon to guide. It also guides even when it can't be seen. There are times when we have been standing on the beach directly in front of the lighthouse and can't see it because of the fog. The mist floats around and clouds the sky and the boats still can return safely because of the loud mellow horn calling them home.

Faith is like a lighthouse. It is the substance of things hoped for but not seen. Sometimes that path is not always clear. Thankfully God gives us his word to light our little paths. To get us closer to Him. But even when we can't always see exactly what or where to go...he calls us and waits for us to trust in His plans.
I am planning to make more time to reading and studying the Bible this fall. Not just that but memorizing it too. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

times are changing

Well, pretty soon we will be experiencing cool crisp fall air, returning to schedules, tackling homework, attending football games, driving Paige to tennis and swim and maybe piano lessons, watching the colors of the leaves turn, new teachers, and going to school. But until then...

Monday, August 25, 2008

show me the daisies

Some days I forget about the joy, love and how much two little girls fill my heart. Some days they are filled with schedules, crying, whining, potty training, cleaning, work and all the routine things that occur during our days.

Today though, I remember the day this picture was taken. Laine brought me a handful of daisies. She was thrilled with herself. "Put em in a vase momma." So I did. I am trying to do more than to create the little scrapbook in my head of the memories of the pictures. I am trying to create experiences that built up, love and show my appreciation to my children. Taking time to pick those flowers with Laine, taking time to look at and listen to Paige as she explains her rock collection and why certain rocks are special. The list goes on about what I am trying to do to encourage them and built them up. There is so much I am working on. Taking time with each of them as they have excitement about something and not being too busy. Whenever I ask them to wait and tell me when I am finished with "whatever it is", they are never quite as excited as they were when they first wanted to tell me something. Take time for the will be glad you did.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


just a pretty little flower along a path at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore Park in Michigan...

Friday, August 22, 2008

relaxing times...

need I say more?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Give thanks

This picture is from Laine's birthday a few weeks ago. She turned 3 recently and we have a lot to be thankful for. She has been been doing so well and is healthy and strong. After she was born with rare genetic disorder called VLCAD (see side bar for more info), I was consumed with worry, anxiety and fear for the first few months of her life. But I learned to trust that we have a good God that wanted us to have joy and not pain, hope and a future for her life seemed more realistic. My husband is so faithful and was such an encouragement. He never wavered in trusting that God would answer our prayers. I so appreciated that. She is so spunky and our little firecracker. She'll start preschool this fall, and that will be an adjustment for me! Here's to Laine and her birthday!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Oh those beautiful eyes...

My prayer for you Paige is that through those eyes you see...the goodness in others, the beauty of yourself, hope for the future, a sister who adores you and parents who love you. Paige, I hope you will see how blessed we are, and how hard others struggle, how loving and showing others Christ's love can change others world as well as your own. I trust that God will direct your path and and that you see His ways are good. I believe in you. I love you to the moon and back....

Dear little spunky Laine, my prayer for you is that though your eyes you will have compassion for those who are sick and in need. You have seen so much in your 3 years of doctors, hospitals, appointments that God will give you those eyes for love, patience and kindness to others. I pray that you can see how special and unique you are and God has a plan for you life. I hope you see the good in others, our love for you always, and a sister who thinks you are so special. You are the fizz that gives us fun, laughter, and joy. I love you to the moon and back too little one...